The PET Food Diet; Scanning for PETs and C(A)Ts

It’s Thursday, 63 days ATN and 23 days since the start of chemo. At long last it’s time for the PET/C(A)T scan. Because, of course, it’s quite important to know if there are any dogs, fish, mice, or squirrels running around or in me. Cats apparently need a dedicated scan since they’re sneaky creatures and… Continue reading The PET Food Diet; Scanning for PETs and C(A)Ts

Ice cream shopping when you have cancer; Medi-port bruising; Another Day, Another Anti-Cancer Food

It’s Saturday, 44 days after The News. The medical oncologist had indicated that the FOLFOX chemotherapy regimen is generally well-tolerated. So yesterday I was at a loss as to why I still had some residual nausea, three days after the infusion. After carefully checking the medication list, I found I’d missed one: the weekly prescription… Continue reading Ice cream shopping when you have cancer; Medi-port bruising; Another Day, Another Anti-Cancer Food